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Geometry and layering effects on the operating characteristics of integrated spiral inductors

Posted on:2006-06-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Jones, Eran JFull Text:PDF
The integration of some passive devices directly into electronic substrates has met with a considerable amount of success. Inductors, however, have encountered some difficulties with integration due to high resistance, low inductance, low quality factor and modeling issues. An experimental study was conducted to determine the effects of geometry and layering on the operating characteristics (i.e. inductance, capacitance, resistance, maximum quality factor, and frequency of maximum quality factor). In this study, a novel approach to multi-layer inductors was proposed and explored. This approach deviates from conventional multi-layer inductors by placing the second winding in parallel with the first. This has the effect of lowering the overall coil resistance and, thus, increasing the maximum quality factor. Empirical models were developed to calculate inductance of one and two layer inductors. Analytical models were developed to calculate do resistances of one and two layer inductors. A semi-empirical model was developed to determine parasitic capacitances of one and two layer inductors. The effects of ground plane encroachment were also examined.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inductors, Effects, Maximum quality factor
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