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A single element based modeling approach for simulating construction operations

Posted on:2013-03-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Dong, ShaozhuoFull Text:PDF
Construction simulation has been around for over 50 years, yet it remains largely constrained in academia instead of being widely adopted in industry. To remedy the incapability of network-based modeling and simulation tools to address complex model associations and interactions that are beyond causal relations, a new modeling method that replaces network with programming statements is proposed in this dissertation.;This proposed method uses only one type of model element. The single type of model has an explicit four-state pattern, which represents a simplest repeated process, namely atomic process. Construction operation is broken down into such details that can be represented by multiple atomic process models.;Model relations are represented by "Prerequisites" and "Functions" that enable logic programming. Modeling of complex model relations and interactions are achieved with: 1) uniformly designed model structure, 2) specifically suited programming statements, and 3) embedded model data that enhances model transferability and exchangeability.;Two model templates for Activity Process and Resource Process are drafted for quick construction operation modeling task.;The proposed modeling and simulation methods are implemented with a computer program using Object-Oriented language (C;Example shows using uniformly designed model structure and programming statements instead of network enhances modeling flexibility and sophistication. Some logics like queuing priority can be modeled with ease using the proposed modeling method, which is not possible for pure network-based methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, Construction, Proposed
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