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A silicon carbide based solid-state fault current limiter for modern power distribution systems

Posted on:2013-03-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Johnson, Erik DarnellFull Text:PDF
The fault current limiter represents a developing technology which will greatly improve the reliability and stability of the power grid. By reducing the magnitude of fault currents in distribution systems, fault current limiters can alleviate much of the damage imposed by these events. Solid-state fault current limiters in particular offer many improved capabilities in comparison to the power system protection equipment which is currently being used for fault current mitigation. The use of silicon carbide power semiconductor devices in solid-state fault current limiters produces a system that would help to advance the infrastructure of the electric grid.;A solid-state fault current limiter utilizing silicon carbide super gate-turn off thyristors (SGTOs) and silicon carbide PiN diodes was designed, built, and tested as a technology demonstrator. The impact of using silicon carbide (SiC) devices in this application was assessed, as well as the associated design challenges. The feasibility of implementing SiC based solid-state fault current limiters for 15 kV class distribution systems was investigated in order to determine the practicality of wide-scale deployment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fault current, Distribution systems, Silicon carbide
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