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Development of a methodology for analyzing safety treatments at isolated signalized intersections

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Wojtal, Remigiusz MFull Text:PDF
There are many engineering treatments to improve the traffic safety at signalized intersections. Intuitively, it is critical to know which safety treatment may be the most effective for a given set of selection criteria for a particular intersection. Without a well defined multi-criteria decision methodology it is almost impossible to decide which safety countermeasure or a set of countermeasures would the best option. Additionally because of the infinite number of the possible intersection configurations, it would be impossible to develop a set of guidelines that could be used for all signalized intersections. Therefore it was decided to employ microsimulation tools, such as VISSIM, for analyzing the countermeasures. This dissertation developed the microsimulation models of signalized intersections which could model a series of countermeasures in a dynamic and stochastic manner which were calibrated using data collected at existed signalized intersections. Based on the analysis using calibrated model a methodology, for analyzing and choosing the most useful safety, in terms of effectiveness in achieving established goals, was developed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Safety, Signalized intersections, Methodology, Analyzing
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