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System management model for the projection and control of spacecraft design budgets

Posted on:2006-11-20Degree:D.EngType:Dissertation
University:Cleveland State UniversityCandidate:Miller, David LFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, a Model is developed to address the weaknesses of present available Models. The Model monitors the critical design budgets of a spacecraft, and the subsystems that comprise it, from the initial design to the final deployment. The Model facilitates the recording of changes to these budgeted items for any of the major subsystems maintaining a ledger system to link them all. Margins are established for each of the budget items and used as a reserve for when a change is requested. The remaining margins will be monitored and used as a barometer as to the health of the overall system and the individual subsystems.; Displays, incorporated in the Model, provide a near real time picture of the overall system status and visual cues to the criticality of any of the subsystems' budgeted items.; The final aspect of the Model is its ability to archive all the data during the length of the project and to use the data to make improvements in the budget estimating process and possibly uncovering critical development trends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, System
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