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Countermeasures against scour at bridge abutments

Posted on:2006-09-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan Technological UniversityCandidate:Li, HuaFull Text:PDF
Scour at bridge abutments can cause damage or failure of bridges and result in excessive repairs, loss of accessibility, or even death. To mitigate abutment scour, both clear-water and live-bed laboratory experiments in a compound channel were performed using parallel walls and spur dikes as countermeasures, respectively. In addition, collar was tested under clear-water conditions only. It was found that both parallel walls and spur dikes can efficiently protect the abutment from scour provided that they are properly designed. Design guidelines were discussed for both countermeasures. Preliminary clear-water tests of collar as a countermeasure against scour showed some promising results although further tests are needed to determine its efficiency and design parameters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scour, Countermeasures
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