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Wing planform optimization via an adjoint method

Posted on:2006-10-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stanford UniversityCandidate:Leoviriyakit, KasiditFull Text:PDF
This dissertation focuses on the problem of wing planform optimization for transonic aircraft based on flow simulation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combined with an adjoint-gradient based numerical optimization procedure. The adjoint method, traditionally used for wing section design has been extended to cover planform variations and to compute the sensitivities of the structural weight of both the wing section and planform variations. The two relevant disciplines accounted for are the aerodynamics and structural weight. A simplified structural weight model is used for the optimization. Results of a variety of long range transports indicate that significant improvement in both aerodynamics and structures can be achieved simultaneously. The proof-of-concept optimal results indicate large improvements for both drag and structural weight. The work is an "enabling step" towards a realistic automated wing designed by a computer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wing, Planform, Optimization, Structural weight
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