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Disruption Management in the Defense Ammunition Industrial Base

Posted on:2014-01-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Hamid, Saheed AFull Text:PDF
Since September 2001, the Department of Defense (DOD) has focused a lot of attention on its capabilities to fight and prevail in multiple, simultaneous global conflicts. To successfully meet the demands of such a mission, a consistently responsive Defense Ammunition Industrial Base (DAIB) that delivers unique supplies through a secure supply chain is essential.;Military supplies frequently have unique functions that are not widely used elsewhere; often, only one or limited numbers of producers of this materiel exists, many of which are single points of failure (SPOF). Examination of current DAIB systems reveals that the critical importance of this aspect of DOD success is often poorly addressed. In addition, methods for evaluating threats to what should be a secure supply chain are shown to be inadequate. If DAIB facilities are destroyed or severely damaged by acts of terrorism, natural or man-made disasters, what would occur? With limited alternatives for replacements, what recourse does the military have for acquiring these one-of-a-kind supplies? If ammunition is "the lifeblood" of the fighting forces, then having the appropriate types available in the required quantities is essential to combat effectiveness.;This paper focuses on the DAIB by taking a closer look at its history, and the risks to existing facilities, produced by current locations and facility vulnerabilities. Within this discussion, several possible solutions arise, with developing a redundant capability within the DAIB being the most viable.
Keywords/Search Tags:DAIB, Defense, Ammunition
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