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Supporting executive leaders in loosely coupled organization

Posted on:2015-04-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Saybrook UniversityCandidate:Zemmelman, Mimi LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1452390005982613Subject:Organization theory
This qualitative case study was undertaken to determine whether courts and hospitals are emblematic of all loosely coupled organizations, to identify factors that can help or hinder the success of their leadership coalitions, and to utilize organizational systems theory as a tool to enhance or go beyond strategies mentioned by the study participants to support their coalition's success. To accomplish these objectives, the researcher conducted a thorough review of the extant literature and sought first-person information from individuals serving as chief executive officers, presiding judges, and chief medical officers in 4 trial courts and 4 acute care hospitals. The institutions selected for this qualitative case study ranged in size and location throughout California.;By integrating information and recommendations from organizational systems theory with the interview data, the researcher validated the assertion that courts and hospitals are appropriate exemplars of loosely coupled organizations and confirmed that leaders in these settings are aware of common leadership challenges that arise in loosely coupled organizations and that they know of and use effective strategies to address these challenges.;Participant interviews yielded a list of real-world suggestions that can help leaders in any loosely coupled organization collaborate effectively. Going beyond these suggestions, this study draws on several organizational systems theories to identify additional strategies to increase alignment, introduce core professionals to larger organizational concerns, and support the leadership coalition to succeed, even as its members change over time. By placing a special emphasis on removing unnecessary hurdles that coalition leaders must overcome, loosely coupled organizations can focus their energy and effort on what matters most: serving those who need them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Loosely coupled, Qualitative case study, Leaders, Theory, Courts and hospitals
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