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Using fuel cells to reduce mobile source emissions

Posted on:2006-11-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, DavisCandidate:Grupp, David JeffreyFull Text:PDF
Currently large numbers of transport trucks idle during times when they are not actively transporting a load. Power demanded during these times has been called "hotel load" because it is the power necessary for the comfort of the driver while at rest. Earlier studies have indicated that trucks may idle anywhere from 6 to 16 hours out of the day and consume around a gallon of diesel fuel every hour that the engine is idling. The amount of fuel used and emissions produced during this time of inactivity is not insignificant. Due to the amounts of harmful emissions created by idling diesel trucks, interest has been growing in using fuel cell powered auxiliary power units (APUs) to reduce idling in line-haul trucks resulting in a handful of states instituting idling bans, with many more considering anti-idling legislation.; Another example of a diesel transport diesel emission source is the Transport Refrigeration Unit, or TRU. The TRU is used to provide refrigerated space during the transport of fruits, vegetables, meat, pharmaceuticals, beverages, and any other product that needs a temperature controlled environment while being transported. TRUs are used in all modes of transport, on rail cars, on ocean going shipping containers, over the road truck trailers and even on airplane Unit Load Devices.; Policy making bodies, understanding the adverse effects of diesel emissions, noise pollution, and fuel consumption have started to pass legislation in an effort to curtail transport diesel emissions. At the local level many states as well as some municipalities have instituted policy designed to eliminate these sources of pollution.; This paper examines the impact of emissions from small mobile source diesel engines and details the design, construction and performance of both a fuel cell powered APU and a fuel cell powered TRU. Results show that current off the shelf technology is available to build fuel cell powered devices that are able to reduce diesel emissions. Using the results gathered from this research suggestions are made for further improvement and the likely evolution of fuel cells in transport applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuel, Transport, Emissions, TRU, Using, Source, Reduce, Diesel
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