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Simultaneous activity-tour interactive time use pattern analysis

Posted on:2008-02-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Lee, Yu HwaFull Text:PDF
Much attention has been paid to time-use and time allocation concepts in activity-based travel demand modeling and travel behavior analysis during the past couple of decades. Activity episode participation and the corresponding time-use patterns for both individuals and households have been analyzed to obtain an improved understanding of how and when individual travelers allocate independent activity or household task and plan to spend usable time among different activity choices within a limited time resource for 24 hours a day.; This study examines the relationships between urban form attributes and activity-tour interactive time-use plans not only at individual-level but also at household-level while including transportation supply-side exogenous variables. Of particular interests are the influences of the transportation supply-side exogenous variables, such as land-use related characteristic, including residential and commercial area densities in neighborhood, inter-mixing of land use, accessibility to multi-modal transportation systems, and traffic congestion variable on total travel tunes and activity durations performed in a tour. This dissertation applies a simultaneous Tobit modeling system to account for endogeneity problems, resulting in efficient and consistent estimators as required (relative to an independent equation estimation).; From modeling results of individual-level activity-tour time use models, it is shown that net residence density affects negatively duration of out-of-home maintenance activity and total travel times in a tour during weekdays, and duration of out-of-home discretionary activity during weekends. In terms of commercial area density, as commercial parcels become greater, duration of out-of-home discretionary activity goes up, but total travel times goes down due to presumably increase of traffic congestion. Of household joint activity-tour time use models for weekdays, only a mixed land-use proxy variable appears to be of a statistical significance and have a positive effect on household joint out-of-home mandatory activity duration. It also turned out that the net residence density influences positively on weekday total travel times relating to household joint activity participation and weekend duration of household joint maintenance activity. For household joint activity-tour time use models during weekend, higher net resident density and a large number of commercial parcels in the neighborhood affect positively on duration of household joint out-of-home maintenance activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Activity, Time, Household joint, Duration, Travel, Out-of-home, Commercial
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