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NMR characterization of the hydrogen storage properties of microporous materials

Posted on:2012-08-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Anderson, Robert JamesFull Text:PDF
Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were employed to study properties and characteristics related to hydrogen storage within a variety of carbon nanomaterials. NMR methods were established for studying adsorption at temperatures of 100 and 290 K, and hydrogen pressures up to 10 MPa. A standard interpretation of the NMR spectra of molecular hydrogen in microporous materials was developed. The characterization of three samples are included here: boron-doped graphite, activated PEEK (a polymer), and zeolite-templated carbon. In all of the studies discussed here, each sample necessitated a custom approach to interpreting the data. The chemical shift, a relaxation filter, and low temperature dynamics were needed to uncover a significantly enhanced binding energy in the boron-doped graphite. The key result of the activated PEEK work was that at 100 K, the pressure-dependent behavior of the chemical shift of the micropore spectral component could be directly linked to the dimensions of the pore. The zeolite-templated carbon displayed local paramagnetic behavior within its pores but was diamagnetic in the bulk form. Pressure-dependent chemical shift analysis revealed that the paramagnetic behavior could be related to the numerous edge sites present.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hydrogen, Chemical shift
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