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Student self-assessment in an interactive learning environment: Technological tools for scaffolding and understanding self-assessment practices

Posted on:2005-01-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Eslinger, Eric MartinFull Text:PDF
Metacognitive skills are a crucial component of a successful learning career. We define metacognition as the ability to plan, monitor progress toward a goal, reflect on the quality of work and process, and revise the work or plan accordingly. By explicitly addressing certain metacognitive practices in classrooms, researchers have observed improved learning outcomes in both science and mathematical problem solving. Although these efforts were successful, they were also limited in the range of skills that could be addressed at one time and the methods used to address them due to the static nature inherent in traditional pencil-and-paper format. We wished to address these skills in a more dynamic, continuous representation such as that afforded by a computerized learning environment. This paper outlines such an environment and describes pedagogical activities afforded by the system.; The ThinkerTools group developed and tested a software scaffold for inquiry projects in a middle-school classroom. By analyzing student use of the software tool, three forms of self-assessment activity were noted: integrated, task and project self-assessment. Each assessment form was related to the degree of interleaving between assessment and work the students engaged in as they developed their inquiry products. I argue that the integrated forms of assessment are more beneficial to student learning, and show that there is a significant relationship between active self-assessment forms and measures of student achievement and product quality.; Through the use of case studies including video analysis, I address specific student self-assessment activity that utilized the software as well as self-assessment that took place outside of the software. A model of student self-assessment activity was created, highlighting aspects of activity that afford more productive self-assessment episodes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-assessment, Environment, Software
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