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The investigation of high performance techniques and application to complex matrices using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry and the impact of urbanization on the Scioto River system

Posted on:2006-10-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Rabb, Savelas AFull Text:PDF
Simultaneous, time-correlated internal standardization and drift correction can provide concentration uncertainties on the order of 0.1% (typically 5--10%) in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). All measurement error resulting from the instrument can essentially be removed limiting the concentration uncertainties to the precision on a balance. Matrix effects in ICP-OES as large as 25% could be overcome with the assistance of the common analyte internal standard (CAIS) method. Concentration uncertainties were observed on the order of 0.1--0.2% for the analytes in a variety of synthetic matrices as well as alloy (e.g. stainless steel, Zn-Al) standards. The high precision, high accuracy technique was also used in conjunction with standard additions to provide 0.1--0.2% for analysis of samples that could not be compared with certified reference materials or the sample matrix was too complex for CAIS to correct appropriately. The Nb-Al alloys and geological standards were observed to be similar (within 1--5%) to recommended values and reproducible among the different sample aliquots.; The first reported characterizations of the novel parallel path nebulizer were higher in transport efficiencies (3.2%) than the concentric (2.6%) and conespray nebulizers (1.4%), especially compared to the cyclone spray chamber. However, mean sensitivities for the parallel path nebulizers were generally similar to the concentric nebulizers. This could be due to cooling of the plasma from more efficient transport of analyte and solvent to the ICP by the parallel path nebulizer. The parallel path nebulizer has proven to be a worthy candidate for providing sensitivities similar to concentrics with the immunity of clogging observed by Burgener of conespray nebulizers.; Dissolved trace element concentrations were measured at 14 locations along the Scioto River system to assess the impact of urbanization. The impact of metropolitan Columbus on the Scioto River System appears to be minor compared to Atlanta on the Chattahoochee River. Correlations suggest that upstream areas are primarily influenced by geology, although landuse in these areas can be 90% agricultural. The most prominent increases in the trace element concentrations were observed downstream of Columbus in the Scioto River at Commercial Point, OH. These increases are due to sewage effluent from treatment plants located within 10 km upstream of Commercial Point. The trace elements will likely adsorb to sediment and precipitate out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scioto river, Concentration uncertainties, Parallel path nebulizer, Plasma, Impact
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