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The development and packaging of a high-density, three-phase, silicon carbide motor drive

Posted on:2013-10-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Hornberger, Jared MartinFull Text:PDF
Technology advances within the power electronics field are resulting in systems characterized by higher operating efficiencies, reduced footprint, minimal form factor, and decreasing mass. In particular, these attributes and characteristics are being inserted into numerous consumer applications, such as light-emitting diode lighting, compact fluorescent lighting, smart phones, and tablet PCs, to industrial applications that include hybrid, electric, and plug-in electric vehicles and more electric aircraft. To achieve the increase in energy efficiency and significant reduction in size and mass of these systems, power semiconductor device manufacturers are developing silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor technology.;In this dissertation, the author discusses the design, development, packaging, and fabrication of the world's first multichip power module (MCPM) that integrates SiC power transistors with silicon-on-insulator (SOI) integrated circuits. The fabricated MCPM prototype is a 4 kW, three-phase inverter that operates at temperatures in excess of 250 °C. The integration of high-temperature metal-oxide semiconductor (HTMOS) SOI bare die control components with SiC power JFET bare die into a single compact module are presented in this work. The high-temperature operation of SiC switches allows for increased power density over silicon electronics by an order of magnitude, leading to highly miniaturized power converters.;This dissertation is organized into a compilation of publications written by the author over the course of his Ph.D. work. The work presented throughout these publications covers the challenges associated with power electronics miniaturization and packaging including high-power density, high-temperature, and high-efficiency operation of the power electronic system under study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power, Packaging, Electronics, Silicon
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