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Designer carbenes

Posted on:2005-11-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of AlabamaCandidate:Kim, Hyo-JoongFull Text:PDF
A variety of new stable carbenes are reported. The preparation and structural details of carbene-dirhodium(II) tetracarboxylates adduct, carbene-Yb(II) complexes, and carbeneoctaethylporphyrin Zn(II) complex are presented. The preparation of a carbene-enolate bidentate ligand and its regioselective formation of carbene-C-enolate ruthenium complex and carbene- O-enolate rhodium and iridium complexes are described. The preparation of NN'-bis(salicylidene)-diaminoimidazole (salim) is described. The Ni-salim carbene and carbenemetal complexes such as sulfur, boron, iridium, rhodium, palladium, and zinc are presented. The structure of the first Ni-salim carbene-rhodium complex was determined by X-ray crystallography. Synthetic studies on carbene-fused porphyrazines are described. Even though the parent carbenes were not isolated, possible precursors for the carbene-fused porphyrazines were prepared.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carbene-fused porphyrazines
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