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Construction and maintenance of power through ritual: The Orange Order and Orange parades in Northern Ireland

Posted on:2006-03-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Edwards, Jennifer LynnFull Text:PDF
Scope and method of study. This study investigates the construction and maintenance of power by the Orange Order, a Protestant and patriotic organization, in Northern Ireland. Specific attention is given to the relationship between the ritualized practice of parading and dominance and power. This research consists of a qualitative study involving the use of a triangulation strategy. Observations, in-depth interviews, and historical analysis were employed to conduct this study. Further, structural ritualization theory, as well as strategic ritualization processes were used to determine the overall rank of the ritualized symbolic practices engaged in by members of the Orange Order.; Findings and conclusions. The findings suggest that the Orange Order uses ritualized practices to maintain Protestant dominance and British loyalty in Northern Ireland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Orange order, Northern ireland, Construction and maintenance
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