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Using optical techniques to measure aluminum burning in post-detonation explosive fireballs

Posted on:2013-12-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:Peuker, Jennifer MottFull Text:PDF
The objectives of the current study are twofold: (1) to further the understanding of aluminum combustion in an explosive fireball, specifically where, when, and with what the aluminum is reacting; and (2) to characterize AlO emission measurements from aluminized explosive fireballs in order to determine when and how AlO emission can be used as an indicator of aluminum combustion.;Experiments were completed in six different environments using four distinct aluminized charges of varying aluminum particle size—3 µm, 10 µm and 40 µm—and loading amount—20 and 50 percent by mass—to determine with what the aluminum is reacting. In addition, a charge containing 20 percent aluminum oxide (Al2O3) was used as an inert comparison. The effect of the aluminum particle location with respect to the explosive material was tested by using end-loaded charges, and by placing a layer of grease on the aluminized charge tip. Time-resolved overpressure measurements are used to determine when the aluminum is burning. Experiments employing an air-gap between the explosive charge and aluminum powder aid in determining how and when aluminum is activated and combusted in the initial blast wave and the subsequent fireball containing high pressure and high temperature detonation products.;Tests in four environments show that even when AlO emission intensity is lower by 90 percent in N2 or CO2 than it is in air for a charge, it is possible to have significant—60 to 70 percent—aluminum particle oxidation. In addition, substantial AlO emission was measured in the absence of unburned aluminum—almost half of the peak AlO emission measured when unburned aluminum was present. Results show that AlO emission intensity measurements are skewed to higher AlO intensities by high transient temperatures within the first 30 µs when the peak AlO emission is usually measured. The aluminum particle location also affects the amount of AlO emission measured such that when more particles are on the fireball surface, then more AlO emission is measured. However, the end-loaded aluminum does not add to the energy output enhancement as much as the pre-loaded aluminum charges since the peak pressures and initial impulse are similar for different amounts of aluminum. A grease layer on the tip of the charge reduces the amount of AlO emission measured by 90 percent, but has the same energy output in the initial blast wave as the same charge not having a grease layer, indicating that the material at the tip of a charge changes the breakout and subsequent AlO emission production.;In addition, the overpressure measurements indicate that four distinct stages of aluminum combustion exist. The first stage is the detonation and the activation of the aluminum. In the second stage the aluminum burns to enhance the blast wave which is indicated by higher peak pressures and initial impulses than a charge not containing aluminum. During the third stage, the aluminum continues to burn to increase the overpressure of the chamber. The fireball cools during the fourth stage and any aluminum oxidation does not add to the energy release.;The variations in how much AlO emission is measured indicate that interpreting AlO emission measurements from explosive fireballs is not straightforward with respect to correctly determining the amount of aluminum combusted, how long the aluminum reacted, or the energy released. If aluminum is available to burn and AlO emission is measured, then the aluminum is burning—even taking into account AlO emission from the oxide layer. However, when no AlO emission is measured, it does not necessarily mean that the aluminum is not burning. When AlO emission is measured it indicates that the temperatures are high enough to sustain aluminum combustion which produces AlO, and that oxidizers are present which react to produce the AlO emission. The relative intensities for the same time frame of AlO emission measured could be indicators about the temperature or number of reactions occurring. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Aluminum, Alo emission, Explosive, Fireball, Burning, Using, Charge
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