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Evaluating the key societal factors and utility priorities that drive the potential for water reuse success

Posted on:2013-06-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:McClelland, Carrie Jean CJFull Text:PDF
Long range planning for utilities implementing water reuse is very complex due to the interplay of numerous issues and factors. A method that uses a computer-aided decision tool incorporating scenario analysis was tested to determine whether it was effective at helping entities determine the potential for successful water reuse schemes under certain factors (such as economics, water supply, and demand) that act in society, and given the individual priorities of the planning entity. Two methods were used to determine effectiveness: analysis using multiple approaches and objective validation using retrospective case studies. The multiple approaches include surveys, expert workshops, scenario studies, and statistical analysis. Two studies were also performed using the computer-aided decision tool. The first was a sensitivity study done to determine the key societal factors and entity priorities that, in general, have the most impact upon water reuse. The second study illustrated possible applications of the decision tool by using it to assist a utility with their long-range planning efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water reuse, Factors, Decision tool, Planning, Priorities, Using
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