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Nature's Way: The Effects of Hydrogen Bond Networks on Acidities, Catalysis, and Molecular Recognition

Posted on:2014-10-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Shokri, AlirezaFull Text:PDF
Hydrogen bond networks play a critical role in many biological processes. Herein, hydrogen bond arrays are studied and exploited. Their strengths are measured in compounds with multiple hydrogen bonds to better understand enzymatic reactions. Anion recognition abilities of synthetic hydrogen bonded receptors are studied to probe the role of hydrogen bonds in anion channels. At the same time, environmentally friendly green acids are developed and their catalytic reactivities in different organic reactions are explored. Hydrogen bonding networks provide a remarkable means for learning about fundamental biological reactions and synthesizing new anion receptors and novel Bronsted acid catalysts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hydrogen, Bond, Networks
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