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Discovering the catalysts for growing true disciples in an emerging postmodern culture

Posted on:2006-01-10Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Asbury Theological SeminaryCandidate:Spears, Wayne D., IIFull Text:PDF
This project sought to identify men and women who were already vibrant, zealous disciples in order to discover what catalyzed their growth into spiritual maturity.The review of literature analyzed the shift from modernity to postmodernity and how each worldview affected the American church's views of discipleship, especially the classic spiritual disciplines.Disciples who exhibited lifestyles consistent with passionate discipleship were identified and then their spiritual behavior was quantified. Candidates were subsequently interviewed in order to ascertain the most formative and influential events and avenues in their progress toward fullness in Christ.The catalysts revealed in the interviews can be arranged in six major categories: influential relationships, supernatural experiences, leaps of faith, finances, Bible reading, and forgiveness. These six catalysts provided the context, activity, and points of obedience that propelled these fifteen candidates to true discipleship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disciples, Catalysts
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