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Dissolution of two-phase microsystems: Gas and liquid microparticle dissolution and dehydration of biomaterials

Posted on:2006-07-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Duke UniversityCandidate:Duncan, Phillip BrentFull Text:PDF
A main focus of this research is to develop techniques to study the dissolution process of two-phase microsystems on a single microparticle basis. This dissertation introduces a systematic approach to investigate the formation of microparticles to fulfill the need for rational design of microspheres for a range of applications. This novel method is based on the micropipet manipulation technique and can essentially test any system, where the continuous phase is a liquid and the dispersed phase is practically any phase, a gas (foam), a liquid (emulsion), or a solid (suspension). It is possible to study single microparticle volumes in the picoliter to nanoliter scale, which is on the same size-scale as particles created in bulk suspensions, microsphere processes, and applications. The ability to create, isolate, observe, and manipulate individual gas, liquid or solid microparticles in a well-defined and controlled liquid environment was found to be ideal to study gas microbubbles and microparticles, liquid microdroplets, and the dehydration of dissolved solutes. Subsequently, one can directly measure the dissolution rate and, when a solute is present, calculate its concentration during the dissolution process. Microbubble or microdroplet dissolution in a second phase is driven by two independent factors, a concentration gradient (undersaturation of the dispersed phase in the continuous phase) and a pressure gradient (due to the Laplace-overpressure inside the microparticle created by the surface tension). Experimentally, each of these driving forces can be independently tested. Both the gas microparticle and pure liquid microdroplet dissolution can be predicted by a simple theory based on the diffusion coefficient and solubility limit of the dispersed phase in the continuous phase. The dehydration of a salt ion solution microdroplet results in the nucleation and growth of a crystal, while the dehydration of proteins leads to glassification of the protein. The water remaining in the glassified protein microsphere is on the order of a water monolayer surrounding each protein molecule. Both observation and measurement of dehydration within a single microdroplet is the basis to understanding microparticle formation for use in drug delivery systems and biomolecule preservation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Phase, Dissolution, Microparticle, Liquid, Gas, Dehydration, Microdroplet
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