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Estimating the water content of geologic materials using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy: Applications to laboratory and spacecraft data

Posted on:2007-07-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Brown UniversityCandidate:Milliken, Ralph EdwardFull Text:PDF
Visible-near infrared reflectance spectroscopy has been used to relate the absorption strength of the 3 micrometer hydration feature to absolute water content (weight percent) of hydrated geologic materials. Complicating factors of albedo, particle size, and composition were examined individually. Laboratory results combining spectral measurements of materials under ambient, low relative humidity, and heated conditions with measurements of water content provide a method to link changes in band strength to changes in water content for materials under varying hydration states. Primary results indicate that reflectance spectra should be converted to single scattering albedo in order to accurately estimate water content for a wide variety of clay minerals, sulfates, zeolites, and hydrated volcanic materials. These methods are applicable to both laboratory and remotely sensed reflectance spectra. Application of our hydration model to high-resolution Mars Express OMEGA spectra of the martian surface reveal that bright and dark regions have similar water contents in the equatorial latitudes (2--4 wt. %), hydration increases with latitude poleward of ∼60°N (up to 8--15 wt. %), and local outcrops of sulfate and phyllosilicate material exhibit water contents of 5--8 wt. %. Furthermore, high latitude surfaces exhibit seasonal changes in water content on the order of 2--3 wt. %, likely the result of water vapor exchange between the regolith and atmosphere. The methods and model presented here provide a robust, non-destructive technique for estimating the water content of particulate samples spanning a wide albedo range (0.07--0.9), particle size (<250 mum), and composition (well-ordered to poorly crystalline). Applying these models to laboratory samples and spacecraft data will provide insight into the hydration state of terrestrial and planetary materials and the location, amount, and role of water in the solar system under current and past conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water, Materials, Reflectance, Laboratory, Hydration
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