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On the number of solutions of Dirichlet problems for some quasilinear elliptic equations

Posted on:2005-06-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of UtahCandidate:Koizumi, EikoFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, the number of weak solutions to the problem Dpu+fu =tp-2th&d4; x+hx inW u=0on6W is investigated where p > 1; Ω ⊂ RN , N ≥ 2, is a bounded domain with a sufficiently smooth boundary; ĥ, h C( W&d1; ); ĥ ≥ 0, and ĥ 0 in W&d1; .; Under the assumptions, lim s→-∞fs sp-2s =a, lim s→∞fs sp-1=b, a<l1 , and b>l1 , where l1 is the principal eigenvalue of Dpu+lu p-2u=0inW u=0on 6W, we show there exists th 1 such that if tth, the problem has at least two solutions. In addition, if ĥ > 0 in W&d1; , we show that there exist − < t1t2 < such that if t < t1 the problem has no solution, if t1 tt2, the problem has at least one solution, and if t > t2, the problem has at least two solutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Problem, Solutions, Hsp sp
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