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A Study of Student Learning Outcomes and Effectiveness of the Computer Based Algebra I Credit Recovery Course offered at Louisiana Traditional Schools and the Algebra I Credit Recovery Course offered in a Virtual Environment at Louisiana Virtual School

Posted on:2012-08-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical CollegeCandidate:Mack, Roy JamesFull Text:PDF
The central purpose of this research was to assess student learning outcomes in the Algebra I credit recovery course offered at traditional schools in Louisiana and the Algebra I credit recovery course offered online by the Louisiana Virtual School (LVS). It was also conducted to assess the associations of gender, grade level, and socio-economic status on learning outcomes measured as final grade in the course.;The researcher utilized the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic features of the data. Frequencies of the variables in each group were examined and a crosstab analysis was also utilized. The Pearson's Correlation Coefficient as well as a factorial ANOVA was utilized to determine and examine the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables.;On the basis of the findings, it was concluded that the participants who took the course in a traditional school setting had higher means of the final grades than participants who took the course at LVS.;A review of the literature and the findings of this study revealed a need for further research in several areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit recovery course, Student learning outcomes, Algebra, Louisiana virtual school, Traditional schools
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