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Consistent Truncations of IIB Supergravity and a Holographic c-theorem for High Derivative Gravity

Posted on:2013-07-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MichiganCandidate:Zhao, ZhichenFull Text:PDF
We discuss two aspects of AdS/CFT. The first is the compactification and consistent truncation of type IIB supergravity on a five-dimensional squashed Sasaki-Einstein manifold. The second is an extension of the holographic c-theorem in arbitrary even dimensions to the case of bulk actions built out of higher curvature terms.;We first derive the full bosonic and fermionic spectrum of fields for IIB super-gravity compactified on a five-dimensional squashed Sasaki-Einstein manifold. Under certain ansatz, we truncate the ten dimensional fields of IIB supergravity into five dimensional fields up to the second Kaluza-Klein tower. The consistency of the truncation is proved. We group the Kaluza-Klein modes up to the second level into super-conformal field theory multiplets, and discuss potential applications of such truncations for the AdS/condensed matter correspondence.;On the c-theorem side, we extend the holographic c-theorem proof into arbitrary even-dimensional gravity built of Lovelock terms. We also explore additional conditions that holographic c-theorems hold for the gravity action built of arbitrary f(R) and f( Rabcd) higher derivative terms.
Keywords/Search Tags:IIB supergravity, Holographic c-theorem
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