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Nilpotent n-Lie algebras

Posted on:2005-07-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:North Carolina State UniversityCandidate:Williams, Michael PeretzianFull Text:PDF
In 1986, Kasymov introduced the concept of nilpotent n-Lie algebras, proved an analogue of Engel's Theorem and later proved an analog of Jacobson's refinement of Engel's Theorem. Despite these achievements, the subject of nilpotency in n-Lie algebras has not been examined in great detail in the literature since. We shall explore the concept of nilpotent n-Lie algebras by examining, and proving where possible, other classical nilpotent group theory and nilpotent Lie algebra results, in the n-Lie algebra setting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nilpotent, -lie
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