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High harmonic generation in novel geometries

Posted on:2006-07-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of New MexicoCandidate:Drago, Matthew AnthonyFull Text:PDF
The qualitative behavior of harmonic generation by a collection of atoms is analyzed. Two models are presented, along with calculated harmonic spectra. A comparison of the two models is made.; The first model is semi-classical, based upon the simpleman models of the early nineties. The utility of this model for quickly analyzing complex collections of atoms is demonstrated. Some of the distributions considered include: chains, rings and helices.; The second is a quantum mechanical, zero-range potential model. This model involves a direct numerical integration of the Schrodinger equation. The atomic distribution considered is an infinite chain of regularly spaced atoms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harmonic, Atoms, Model
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