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Designing scalable quantum computer architectures: Layout and initialization

Posted on:2006-05-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, DavisCandidate:Copsey, Dean ElbertFull Text:PDF
GTID:1450390005492804Subject:Computer Science
As the complexity of quantum computers increases, typical architectural issues such as communication, layout, and efficient design need to be addressed. This document addresses some basic architectural ideas for quantum computers.; To be useful in reasonable calculations, quantum states will need constant error correction. This need guides how best to lay out physical components to minimize error-correction overhead. I propose a layout that minimizes communication overhead, and discuss the implementation of error-correction algorithms on that layout. I compare the cost overhead of purely local communication to communication by teleportation, and calculate the break-even point at which teleportation becomes efficient.; Additionally, the overhead of error correction can be reduced by using a memory hierarchy to more efficiently store data not currently being computed on. The main requirement is the same as for a classical computer's cache: temporal locality. I show that an important quantum routine can be rearranged to take advantage of a small quantum memory cache, and compute the achieved savings.; In a quantum system, complex operators are built up from the basic operators allowed by a given technology model. I show that the set of operators required to implement any complex operator in an error-corrected system can be approximated to arbitrary precision, given two elementary operators. I give results for all the operators in the set.; Finally, I examine methods to initialize a quantum system. Quantum operators are reversible, so data cannot simply be written over. Instead, initialization entails compressing the entropy of a set of quantum bits into a small subset of those bits, leaving the rest of the bits in a known, non-random state. I examine three such compression algorithms. The best of these itself requires a pool of known states, and so cannot be used directly. The other two algorithms, however, produce less-than-optimal results. I explore why they produce suboptimal results, and propose that one of the suboptimal algorithms be used to compress the entropy of a subsystem, using the resulting known state to run the optimal algorithm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum, Layout, Communication, Algorithms
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