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Nilpotent conjugacy classes of reductive p-adic Lie algebras and definability in Pas's language

Posted on:2007-07-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Diwadkar, Jyotsna MainkarFull Text:PDF
We will study the following question: Are nilpotent conjugacy classes of reductive Lie algebras over p-adic fields definable by a formula in Pas's language. We answer in the affirmative in three cases: special orthogonal Lie algebras so(n) for n odd, special linear Lie algebra sl(3) and the exceptional Lie algebra g2 over p-adic fields.;The nilpotent conjugacy classes in these three cases have been parameterized by Waldspurger so(n) and S. DeBacker sl(3), g2. For sl(3) and g 2 we are required to extend Pas's language by a finite number of symbols.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nilpotent conjugacy classes, Lie algebras, P-adic, Pas's
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