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Adaptive and dynamic meshing methods for numerical simulations

Posted on:2008-12-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Acikgoz, NazmiyeFull Text:PDF
For the numerical simulation of many problems of engineering interest, it is desirable to have an automated mesh adaption tool capable of producing high quality meshes with an affordably low number of mesh points. This is important especially for problems, which are characterized by anisotropic features of the solution and require mesh clustering in the direction of high gradients. Another significant issue in meshing emerges in the area of unsteady simulations with moving boundaries or interfaces, where the motion of the boundary has to be accommodated by deforming the computational grid. Similarly, there exist problems where current mesh needs to be adapted to get more accurate solutions because either the high gradient regions are initially predicted inaccurately or they change location throughout the simulation. To solve these problems, we propose three novel procedures.; For this purpose, in the first part of this work, we present an optimization procedure for three-dimensional anisotropic tetrahedral grids based on metric-driven h-adaptation. The desired anisotropy in the grid is dictated by a metric that defines the size, shape, and orientation of the grid elements throughout the computational domain. Through the use of topological and geometrical operators, the mesh is iteratively adapted until the final mesh minimizes a given objective function. In this work, the objective function measures the distance between the metric of each simplex and a target metric, which can be either user-defined (a-priori) or the result of a-posteriori error analysis. During the adaptation process, one tries to decrease the metric-based objective function until the final mesh is compliant with the target within a given tolerance. However, in regions such as corners and complex face intersections, the compliance condition was found to be very difficult or sometimes impossible to satisfy. In order to address this issue, we propose an optimization process based on an ad-hoc application of the simulated annealing technique, which improves the likelihood of removing poor elements from the grid. Moreover, a local implementation of the simulated annealing is proposed to reduce the computational cost.; Many challenging multi-physics and multi-field problems that are unsteady in nature are characterized by moving boundaries and/or interfaces. When the boundary displacements are large, which typically occurs when implicit time marching procedures are used, degenerate elements are easily formed in the grid such that frequent remeshing is required. To deal with this problem, in the second part of this work, we propose a new r-adaptation methodology. The new technique is valid for both simplicial (e.g., triangular, tet) and non-simplicial (e.g., quadrilateral, hex) deforming grids that undergo large imposed displacements at their boundaries. A two- or three-dimensional grid is deformed using a network of linear springs composed of edge springs and a set of virtual springs. The virtual springs are constructed in such a way as to oppose element collapsing. This is accomplished by confining each vertex to its ball through springs that are attached to the vertex and its projection on the ball entities. The resulting linear problem is solved using a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. The new method is compared with the classical spring analogy technique in two- and three-dimensional examples, highlighting the performance improvements achieved by the new method.; Meshes are an important part of numerical simulations. Depending on the geometry and flow conditions, the most suitable mesh for each particular problem is different. Meshes are usually generated by either using a suitable software package or solving a PDE. In both cases, engineering intuition plays a significant role in deciding where clusterings should take place. In addition, for unsteady problems, the gradients vary for each time step, which requires frequent remeshing during simulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mesh, Simulations, Numerical, Problem, Method
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