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Correlated electronic states under extreme conditions

Posted on:2008-08-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, San DiegoCandidate:Jeffries, Jason RobertFull Text:PDF
The application of high pressures to solids has been, and continues to be, a powerful tool to probe the exotic states of matter found in many solid-state systems. High pressures provide an avenue to cleanly tune fundamental parameters associated with superconductivity, magnetism, and quantum criticality in an attempt to garner information about these novel and poorly understood phenomena. The effects of chemical substitution and/or pressure upon the superconducting and antiferromagnetic ordered states of the CeRh1- xCoxIn5 system, the ferromagnetism in the compound Au4V, the superconducting and "hidden order" phases of the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 and the related, substituted URu2-xRe xSi2 system, and the superconducting phase of Th have been investigated up to pressures as high as 400 kbar using various techniques.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pressures, States
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