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Local economic development in Mexico: A comparative study of the methods and goals of local, state and federal economic development agencies

Posted on:2008-11-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:Salazar, Maria ElenaFull Text:PDF
Mexico, and its local governments, has increasingly engaged in new approaches to governance and local management. This dissertation provides insight on how local development is perceived and implemented among local economic development agencies. Furthermore, it offers a better understanding of those institutional changes and arrangements that are taking place within Mexico. Special emphasis is placed on the institutional factors of governance, autonomy, entrepreneurship and leadership. Finally, the dissertation analyzes new approaches being implemented in order to define with more clarity what works, what does not work and how local economic agencies address local economic development. Results from this investigation show that many places in Mexico are implementing innovative economic development policies based on endogenous resources and decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic development, Local, Mexico
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