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Experiences of Students Utilizing a Campus Food Pantr

Posted on:2018-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Northern ColoradoCandidate:Daugherty, JamieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002996439Subject:Higher Education
Food insecurity is a phenomenon with far-reaching impacts on the social, economic, health, and well-being of college students' lives impacting how they procure food, food choices, and food experiences. A qualitative narrative inquiry explored experiences of three students facing food insecurity and using a campus food pantry. Data collection methods included in-depth semi-structured interviews, journaling, and photo elicitation.;Data analysis illustrated five themes: a) financial challenge identification; b) strategizing budget priorities; c) prioritizing health; d) food pantry uses and strategies; and e) having enough. Students' experiences were impacted by social and physical implications due to their financial challenges. The food pantry filled a void for all participants ensuring they had items which provided enough to meet needs. Next steps include developing a food security assessment tool, increasing department collaborations, and maximizing resource utilization provided by the food pantry. These implications are designed specifically for stakeholders invested in providing a campus food pantry to maximize students' needs and success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food, Experiences, Students'
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