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Factors influencing the selection of the systems integration organizational model type for planning and implementing complex government projects

Posted on:2010-08-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Alabama in HuntsvilleCandidate:Thomas, Helen LFull Text:PDF
While there has been extensive research in defining project organizational structures for traditional projects, little research exists to support complex government projects' organizational structure definition, particularly in the area of systems integration. Complex government projects differ from traditional projects in that they are non-profit, require significant integration effort across multiple organizations, and are strongly susceptible to a volatile external environment.;Because systems integration bridges several topic areas, the literature review included program management, organizational planning, systems integration, and organizational theory. Independent project studies and reports in the public domain were used as the data set to assess systems integration organizational structures for improving complex government projects' probability of success.;This research identified Systems Integration Organizational Models (SIOM) specific to complex government projects. Kerzner's project management and evaluation framework was used to derive factors specific to complex government projects.;Eighty projects were evaluated to determine the success of each SIOM type and to identify factors associated with each SIOM type. A decision analysis guideline for selecting SIOM types in early project planning was developed that could improve a project's probability of success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, Organizational, Complex government, Systems integration, Planning, Type, SIOM, Factors
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