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Organizational strategy development for the pharmaceutical industry: Event structure analysis, comparative Boolean analysis, and analogical reasoning model

Posted on:2011-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - NewarkCandidate:Kim, HyukFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002969834Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation aims to develop a new direction, in stakeholder management terms, for the pharmaceutical industry to deal with its risks/challenges, particularly in relation to the access to essential, life-saving medicines, posed by its various stakeholders. The organizational strategy development framework of this dissertation is comprised of five phases. The first phase investigates the implications of the stakeholder management perspective for the organizational strategy development in terms of the pharmaceutical industry, examining the concepts, theories, and empirical evidences of extant studies.;The second and third phases present a new analytical approach in stakeholder analysis terms, linking stakeholder analysis with organizational strategy development. The stakeholder analysis of this dissertation is performed by adopting two different types of the formal qualitative analysis-an event structure analysis and a qualitative comparative Boolean analysis---examining 48 major global public health-related cases (which consist of 146 events) from 1987 to 2007. The stakeholder analysis examines: the key stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry; the circumstances/conditions under which the pharmaceutical industry has put measures of stakeholder management into practice; and the types of the measures that have been adopted by the pharmaceutical industry to deal with its stakeholders in conjunction with the ability to gain access to essential, life-saving medicines.;The fourth phase constructs an analogical reasoning model for the pharmaceutical industry in comparison with the food and beverage industry. In the last phase, a specific stakeholder management strategy for the pharmaceutical industry is suggested: i.e., the comprehensive, proactive, multi-stakeholder public-private partnership. This strategic option is developed based on the outcomes of the stakeholder analysis combined with those of the analogical reasoning model.;The new strategic direction for the pharmaceutical industry suggested in this dissertation provides an integrated approach to the industry's strategic decision making to satisfy the multiple types of stakeholders simultaneously. It is expected that this new organizational strategy for the pharmaceutical industry can be a useful tool to realize a comprehensive win-win situation: i.e., for the pharmaceutical industry in the stakeholder management terms and for its stakeholders in the access to essential, life-saving medicine terms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industry, Management, Organizational strategy development, Analogical reasoning model, Event structure analysis, Comparative boolean, Dissertation, Essential life-saving medicines
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