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Shaping perceptions of Delaware Technical & Community College through a comprehensive brand marketing strategy

Posted on:2011-11-09Degree:D.EdType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Sciple, Judith AFull Text:PDF
Community colleges are an integral part of the American higher education system, providing open access to postsecondary education to all who have the ability to benefit. These institutions, however, often suffer from negative perceptions regarding their effectiveness and quality of instruction. Community colleges can address these perceptions by determining what is unique about the instruction and services they provide to their students, incorporating that "niche" into a brand statement that outlines the functional and emotional benefits of attending the institution and implementing that brand consistently across every aspect of college operations.;The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of Delaware Technical & Community College by internal and external constituents and to develop and implement a comprehensive brand marketing strategy that will help shape positive perceptions. Through a literature review, qualitative research and an analysis of findings the author answers the following questions: (1) What is the perception of community colleges in general and how does it affect the overall image of two-year institutions?; (2) What is the perception of Delaware Tech by college faculty, administrators and staff?; (3) What is the perception of Delaware Tech by its students and the public?; (4) How can a comprehensive brand marketing strategy positively impact the image of an organization by internal and external constituents?; and, (5) What needs to be done to implement a comprehensive brand marketing strategy at Delaware Tech?;The author concludes by identifying 10 key findings related to perceptions about Delaware Technical & Community College, and presenting 14 recommendations to address those findings. Recommendations then were grouped into four action phases for implementation and presented as a comprehensive brand marketing strategy for the college. Finally, the author identified challenges for implementation of the brand marketing strategy at Delaware Technical & Community College.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community college, Brand marketing strategy, Delaware technical, Perceptions
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