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The integral leadership of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi: A historical interpretive-biography study

Posted on:2010-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fielding Graduate UniversityCandidate:Albert, Pauline JFull Text:PDF
The premise of this study is that society needs new ways of conceptualizing leadership. Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi attracted followers and influenced the social systems in which they lived. This research uses an integral approach, examining and analyzing the lives of these two leaders in the context of their times, while also using modern social and psychological theories. The notion is that examining great leaders using a more integrated approach will help society in its quest to promote improved leadership and encourage positive change. This study traces the transformational experiences of these two leaders, by looking at how their epiphanies or moments of conversion changed them individually and collectively, and how, in turn, they changed their followers for many generations to come. Over one million people today follow Francis and Clare's precepts, and their cosmos-centric, ecological worldview is relevant to people of all faiths and cultures. The research analysis highlights the centrality of leadership as relationship, illustrating that virtues such as charity, humility, unity, and gratitude are critical to new ways of leading toward the common good. This study concludes that leadership is equally about transcendence, becoming, and being the person you are in contrast to traditional notions of doing specified behaviors or emulating others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Francis
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