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Applications of textured surfaces for light harvesting

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Cocilovo, ByronFull Text:PDF
Surface textures add another dimension to optical design. They can be used to redirect light, isolate spectral bands, and enhance optical fields. They effectively take up no space, so can be applied to any optical surface -- from intermediary elements to substrates. Here I present three applications of textured surfaces for light harvesting. The first project places scattering textures inside a film that can be applied to windows to scatter infrared light towards solar cells at the edges. The collected energy is then used to power tinting films. The second project uses modular diffractive structures to increase the absorption in solar cells. Lastly, structured silver surfaces are used to enhance plasmonics fields and increase two-photon excitation fluorescence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Light, Surfaces, Used
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