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Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and OLED-based structurally integrated optical sensors

Posted on:2011-12-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Cai, YuankunFull Text:PDF
Growing commercialization and extensive research demonstrate that OLEDs have promising applications in solid state lighting, display, and optical sensor technologies. This work focuses on development of OLED-based optical sensors. OLEDs, sensor films, parallel sensing and enhanced integration with photodetectors were studied.Interface engineering methods e.g., UV-Ozone treatment, graded junction, nanoparticle based coating were investigated to improve microcavity OLEDs, UV OLEDs and Alq3 OLEDs. Sensors are expected to have better performance when excited by these OLEDs.ZnO nanoparticles were utilized for improved integration of the sensor films. Stretched exponential was proposed to address the issues of the non-uniform accessibility of O2 in the dye film, especially at high [O2]. Multianalyte sensor platform was successfully demonstrated for highly efficient parallel sensing. Polymer photodetectors were explored with OLEDs toward all-organic sensor platforms and enabled the decay time measurement due to fast response.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oleds, Sensor, Optical
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