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A descriptive study of boys with AD/HD referred for special education evaluation

Posted on:2007-03-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Wright InstituteCandidate:Strickland, Vicki LFull Text:PDF
This study used archival Rorschach Ink Blot Test response variables to evaluate the utility of the Rorschach Comprehensive System in the educational planning of boys with AD/HD who had been referred for special education evaluation. The results clearly support the multidimensional nature of the disorder and the important role personality variables play in its manifestation. Findings are largely consistent with prior research studies involving the use of the Rorschach and children with AD/HD. As a group the participants in the current study were found to demonstrate avoidance of complexity (high Lambda), an Avoidant problem solving style, limited coping skills (CDI), low self-perception (Ego-centricity Index), avoidance of affect (Afr), difficulty with interpersonal perceptions (fewer COP, AG, H, T), poor reality perception (PTI, low P), and vulnerability to depression (DEPI). An unexpected finding was the relatively large, 38% of the participants who demonstrated an Overincorporating processing style; overall, 57% demonstrated inefficient processing. Limitations and the educational implications of findings are discussed and recommendations for further research are made.
Keywords/Search Tags:AD/HD
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