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Honoring young voices: Middle school students perceptions of a caring school environment

Posted on:2007-11-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Woods, Denise VFull Text:PDF
There is a body of research that indicates that attitude and perception impact students' learning. Student perceptions may contribute to, or detract from the learning process (Jules & Kutnick, 1997). In spite of this information, rarely have students been invited as experts to contribute to the knowledge base regarding the fit between learner and environment. Cook-Sather (2001) asserts that there is something fundamentally amiss about building and rebuilding an entire educational system without consulting at any point the participants it is ostensibly designed to serve. Accordingly, this study honored the voices of young students in a middle school in New York City and examined their perceptions of a caring school environment. The study revealed that students do better socially, emotionally, and academically when they perceive that they are in a safe environment and regarded as important members of their learning community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students, Perceptions, Environment, School
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