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Overcoming a legacy of low achievement: Effective structures and systems at a high-performing, high-poverty California elementary school

Posted on:2009-03-25Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Baluch Berman, ShaanaFull Text:PDF
Students of color educated in high-poverty, urban schools have traditionally experienced low achievement. Some high-poverty schools serving large concentrations of students of color achieve high levels of academic performance, however these trends are not widespread. Systems and structures in these schools have been shown to produce a positive impact on academic performance by facilitating effective instructional strategies in classrooms. Specific and appropriate systems and structures may also prevent or reduce the likelihood of erroneous referrals of students of color for special education assessment. The present work uses sociocultural theory to frame an analysis of systems and structures that promote student achievement in a high-performing, high-poverty, urban elementary school, and emphasizes systems and structures that reduce racial disparities in special education.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-poverty, Achievement, Structures, Systems
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