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Managerial professionals in higher education: Change in number, roles, and responsibilities

Posted on:2009-12-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Hawai'I at ManoaCandidate:Chock, Mona K. OFull Text:PDF
This qualitative case study examined how managerial professionals perceive changes in their numbers, roles, responsibilities, and the relationship of their work to institutional mission at a single public Doctoral/Research Extensive university during the 1985-2005 period. Academic capitalism was the conceptual framework used to examine institutional responses to change in higher education finance, faculty work, and the attainment of institutional autonomy.;Three themes emerged from the data. The themes were "Expanded Work," "Blurring of Roles," and "Deep Commitment." The managerial professionals in this study described campus organizational changes that affected their work lives. Moving from a centralized to a decentralized structure, delegated system responsibilities were transferred to the campus and to the units. This greatly expanded the scope and quantity of work of managerial professionals at a time when faculty and clerical work was also changing. As faculty members were pressured to secure more external funds, spending on managerial professionals in academic and institutional support who did teaching, student services, distance education, and other activities that supported instruction increased significantly. Variation in the roles of managerial professionals and their flexibility in adapting to the new work environment contributed to the blurring of roles among these employees with the faculty, the clerical staff, and upper level administration. The managerial professionals in this study demonstrated a deep commitment to higher education, communicating that they saw themselves contributing a public service through their work. Their work commitment was to serve students, the work of faculty, and the higher education dreams of the people of the state.;Implications from this study included the expanded application and expanded conceptual framework of Academic Capitalism Theory. Applying the theory to managerial professionals made the importance of transaction activities in this new environment visible. Transaction activities contributed to transparency in areas such as personnel, finances, and compliance with external government regulations. All are areas in which policy makers and public desire transparency. Implications for practice included the need to educate all campus employees about work roles and responsibilities of managerial professionals. Current campus recognition and reward systems can become inclusive of these employees. Visibility of these employees and their work can be communicated and acknowledged to policy makers and the public to counteract current invisibility. Implications for future study include researching the economic benefit these employees contribute to the campus; the campus supports and barriers for them; and examination of team or campus networks rewards; and the need for career paths or ladders.
Keywords/Search Tags:Managerial professionals, Roles, Higher education, Work, Responsibilities, Campus
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