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The role of video game in the cultivation of literacy: A medium perspective

Posted on:2010-07-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)Candidate:Cheung, Mei Fung, MeilyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390002984580Subject:Multimedia communications
This study investigates the connection between video games and literacy from a medium perspective. It examines how the form of video game will shape the content, and in turn induce influence on the cultivation of literacy. It also explores the relevance of video gaming to literacy in the context of literacy paradigm shift and the transformation of media environments.;Findings in the research suggest that the unique features of the video game medium lead to the formation of sensory, emotional, intellectual and content biases. Industry practices, derived from these biases, may then influence the selection, nature and presentation of the game content. The choice of content and the room to deliver high level conceptual knowledge are confined by the form. Hence the presentation of content tends to be graphical, simplified, gamified and modified.;Furthermore, this study indicates that the form of video game works on its content through several ways. The form of video game excludes the content which does not fit into its features, such as academic and in-depth content. On the other hand, the medium creates new forms of content by choosing plots and messages that work along its biases; and the content is often modified to fit the form. Through these ways, unique content for the video game medium is produced.;This study found that gamers can acquire a number of basic and fundamental literacy skills which can be applied to their daily life through video gaming. The video game medium also contributes to literacy skills necessary for social interaction, connection and participation. However, the medium does not play a positive role in cultivating high order thinking and reflection skills.;The study also found that gamers themselves play a role in the development of their literacy skills through video gaming. The results suggest that gamers acquired new sense ratio and have got adapted to a collaboration mode through video gaming. It is predicted that along with the advancement in communication technology and the transformation of media environment, the relevance of the game medium to literacy development may be increased.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literacy, Game, Medium, Form, Content, Role
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