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Criteria use and importance in independent secondary school admissions

Posted on:2010-09-29Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of VirginiaCandidate:Schuster, Shannan BoyleFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was threefold: first, to determine the use of specified admission criteria in the independent school admission process; second, to determine admission directors' perceptions of the importance of selected criteria; and third, to determine the nature of the relationship between selected independent measures and the use of and importance of specified admission criteria.;In order to answer four primary research questions, survey methodology and both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. A survey questionnaire was developed based upon the literature which identified eleven criteria most widely used in the admission process. The population for the survey included 220 independent secondary school admission directors, all of whom were full member schools of the National Association of Independent Schools. The survey was sent to the Director of Admission at each school. 124 responded for a return rate of 62%.;Analysis of the data revealed that four criteria, "grades," "standardized tests," "recommendations," and "student interview" were most commonly used by admission directors in determining student selection. The same four criteria were ranked as the most important. While most of the independent measures were not related to the use of and importance of specified admission criteria, a number of criteria were. For example, admission directors working at schools with smaller enrollments placed more importance and more usage of the criteria "student interview," "parent interview," and "siblings in attendance." Admission directors working at boys' schools were less likely to use the criterion "writing sample" than admission directors at coed or girls' schools. The criteria "standardized tests" and "siblings in attendance" were less likely to be used and ranked less important by admission directors working at progressive schools. Admission directors working at schools with the most competitive admissions ranked the criterion "special talent or interest" as more important in the selection process than admission directors working at schools that were less competitive.;Practical implications for both parents with children applying to independent secondary schools and independent school leaders are provided. Recommendations for future research are also suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Independent, Admission, Criteria, School, Importance
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