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The role of principal leadership in launching new small high schools co-located on an existing school site

Posted on:2011-08-24Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaCandidate:Lindo, Debbra Ann MartinFull Text:PDF
This exploratory case study examined and documented the impressions of three novice principals who, as part of a mandated school reform effort, shared the unique experience of designing, opening, and subsequently operating three new theme-based small high schools co-located on the campus of a once under-performing, large urban high school. Four sources of data were used: institutional School Accountability Report Card (SARC) records, survey data, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews conducted with the three participants. Findings revealed several internal and external factors related to the rewards and challenges of principal leadership in this setting, including: collaboration and engagement, shared vision, teacher performance, district support and readiness, parent and community involvement, and professional development. Implications for leadership success and improving academic outcomes for students in this setting include issues related to metrics of performance and the various human capital dilemmas, including union contracts and teacher retention.
Keywords/Search Tags:School, Leadership
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