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The classroom walkthrough: Teachers' perceptions of the key elements and the impact upon instructional practices

Posted on:2011-07-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Robert Morris UniversityCandidate:Stone, Christopher WFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390002450655Subject:Teacher Education
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine teachers' perceptions of key elements of the classroom walkthrough and the impact they had upon classroom instructional practices. The goal was to explore and identify the key facets of the classroom walkthrough as determined by teachers who had been observed and supervised with this particular methodology.;The four research questions explored the teachers' perceptions and feelings of how walkthroughs impacted and encouraged certain behaviors. Participants were selected because of their experience being observed and supervised by their principal who utilized traditional walkthrough protocol which included frequent visits to the classrooms, providing relevant feedback, and encouraging self-reflection. The method of data collection was face-to-face semi-structured interviews facilitated by the researcher. The participants' interviews were transcribed by the researcher and data analysis was used to identify agreement, secondary, and personal themes in the participants' responses.;The findings of this study indicated teachers perceive key elements of the classroom walkthrough as the following: self-reflection, regular dialogue with principals concerning curriculum and instruction, established look-fors, principal visibility in classrooms, and principals' relevant feedback regarding teachers' instructional practices. In addition, teachers indicated walkthroughs did impact instructional practices because of established instructional look-fors and personal reflection connected to pedagogy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Walkthrough, Teachers' perceptions, Key elements, Instructional practices, Impact
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