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The behavioral phenomenon of an unregulated monopoly: A case study using Major League Baseball

Posted on:2008-01-17Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Argosy University/ChicagoCandidate:Cappa, Joseph Anthony, JrFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390005954401Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation addresses the behavioral phenomenon and monopoly characteristics of a firm in an unregulated monopoly industry. The research design used for this study was qualitative. A case study approach was taken to examine an unregulated monopoly firm. This study used secondary data and explored the behavioral phenomenon of an unregulated monopolist. The most important finding from this study was that consumer behavior toward product differentiation in a monopoly market held firm. The difference in regular-season attendance and ticket price suggested that the average sports consumer reacted to higher ticket prices and found substitute goods for MLB games. Future research topics could include the examination of disposable income patterns, consumer preference for attending games, and a ticket price threshold.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavioral phenomenon, Unregulated monopoly
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