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The status of community service and service-learning in member schools of the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Educatio

Posted on:2011-10-31Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Lehigh UniversityCandidate:Driskill, Lily JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390002470272Subject:Educational leadership
This study described community service and service-learning in independent schools that were members of the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education (CSEE). Half the CSEE population, 170 schools, participated in the study. More than 98% of schools participated in community service. More than half the schools reported student participation rates above 91%. Service-learning was confirmed by 64.7% of respondents. Lower student participation rates occurred in service-learning. The study investigated what service activities were performed, why school administrators encouraged community service and service-learning, how programs were organized, and what factors were believed to facilitate or hinder successful service initiatives. Growth was reported for both community service and service-learning between 2004-05 and 2009-10. Although overall participation was larger for community service, growth was reported more frequently for service-learning. CSEE schools surpassed the public school movement to integrate service-learning into curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service, Schools, CSEE
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